Private Rentals Central Coast Sydney

You can get advice on how to understand the rental market, and secure and maintain your tenancy.

Renting A Home: Steps

1. Fill out an application

You must fill out a rental application if you have inspected the property you wish to rent.

Ensure you have all the documentation you need

  • Photographic ID
  • Income and Bank Details
  • Your rental history in the last few years
  • Employment details and history
  • Names and contact numbers of those who can provide you with references for rental or personal matters
  • Copy of your account in your name

Sign a statement allowing the agent to contact anyone you have listed as a reference. Call the people who you’ve listed as references before you submit your application and let them know that agents can contact them.

Ask the agent if any additional information is needed.

Ask the agent what went wrong if you don’t get through. This might be helpful for your next application.

You can ask for help if you are having trouble filling out the application. DCJ The Housing Staff can help you.

2. Pay a deposit

While the agent reviews your application, you may be required to pay a reservation deposit (one week’s rent).

The agent is required to refund the fee if your application does not succeed.

The money you receive can be used to pay for rent in advance if your application is approved.

When you sign a residential tenancy contract, the agent will inform you of how much rent you have to pay.

3. Set a start date

The landlord and you must agree on a start date for the tenancy. The residential tenancy agreement begins on this date.

You will receive your key on this date and you can move in. Rent must be paid from this date, even if the move-in is later.

Consider the day you are paid to determine when it is best to pay your rent. It is best to pay rent on the day that you get paid so that you can have your money ready when it is due.

4. Sign the residential tenancy agreement

Residential tenancy agreements are legal contracts. When you sign the agreement, both the landlord and agent are agreeing to the terms.

The agreement states that:

  • Who is renting out the property
  • The period for which the property will be rented out (also known as the fixed-term period).
  • The amount to be paid in rent and the method of payment.

Make sure that you understand the agreement before signingYou can ask someone who you trust to read it with you.

The landlord or agent must provide you with:

  • A signed copy of your residential tenancy contract
  • The property condition report
  • Fair Trading’s Statement of New Tenant Information.

Keep these documents in a secure place.

5. Rent and bond to be paid in advance

At the beginning of your tenancy, you must pay the rent for two weeks in advance. You will never fall behind on your rent payments if you do this.

What does bond mean?

Rent or property damage can be a security to the landlord.

What is the bond amount?

  • unfurnished premises – 4 weeks rent
  • Fully furnished premises (less that $250 per week) – six weeks rent
  • Fully furnished premises (more that $250 per week) – unlimited.

What happens to bond money?

Sign the bond form. The agent or the landlord must deposit the money at the Rental Bond Board in seven days. Rental Bond Board will send you a receipt. Keep this receipt with the copy of your residential tenancy contract.

You can receive your rental bond back if you’ve met all of your obligations at the end.

6. Fill out the condition report

The agent or landlord must fill out and sign 3 copies of the condition reports. By the start of the tenancy, the agent must provide you with 2 copies filled out by the condition report.

Fill out the column ‘tenant accepts’ with a Y for yes or a N for no. You should explain why you don’t agree in the comment section of the report.

Sign and return one copy within seven days to the landlord or the agent. Keep the other copy with the copy of your residential tenancy contract.

7. Rent is due

Before you move in, you and your landlord should decide on the amount of rent and payment method. Rent is typically paid every week, fortnightly or month.

Rent payments can be paid promptly by using a direct debit from Centrepay or your employer.

The landlord or agent will always issue you a receipt if you pay by cash or check. Keep the receipts along with the copy of your residential tenancy contract.

You can request a regular statement if you pay with Centrepay, Direct Debit or a bank deposit.

If the landlord or agent wants to raise your rent, they must give you a minimum of 60 days written notice.

8. Moving in

You can move in once you’ve paid the bond, received the keys and signed the residential lease agreement.

If required, you will be asked to pay a deposit and have your gas, electric and telephone connected under your name. Gas and electricity providers are at your discretion.

Local welfare agencies may offer you assistance with furniture, a refrigerator or a loan for deposits. You can also get a low or no interest loanYou can ask DCJ Housing staff for a list local agencies who may be able help.

9. Tenancy problems: How to avoid them

Avoid problems with your rental:

  • read Fair Trading’s Civil and Administrative Tribunal ( NCAT You must attend the hearing.

10. The end of the lease

You must notify the landlord in advance of your intention to terminate the lease:

  • If you are planning to leave before the fixed-term period ends, please notify us 14 days in advance.
  • If the fixed-term period is already over, you must notify us 21 days in advance.

You can lose money if you terminate a residential lease agreement before its fixed-term period is over. Agents can claim:

  • Rent until the new tenant moves in, or the contract expires
  • Re-letting Fee
  • Advertising costs

You may be able to continue renting after the fixed-term period has ended. You must inform the agent in advance if you wish to continue renting after the fixed term period ends.

You must give your landlord a written notice stating the following:

  • The address of the property
  • The date that you will be moving out
  • Your name/signature, and the date of your letter.

After you move out, you must:

  • Meet the landlord for a final property inspection
  • Complete the original condition report
  • Return the keys

The bond can be claimed.

11. Reclaim the bond at the end tenancy

You can get your bond back when the lease is over.

  • Fill out a Form for Refund of Bond Money
  • The agent will sign the form if your rent is current and the property is not damaged.
  • The form can be returned by email, postal mail or in person to any Service Centre
  • You should use the same form to claim a reduced bond amount if you intend to use some of the deposit for cleaning or repair.

If you cannot reach an agreement with the agent, you can make your claim by yourself. Send a claim form without the agent’s signature to Fair Trading.

The agent will receive a notice informing them of the claim and allowing them 14 days to file a dispute with the Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

You will receive the bond if you do not reply within 14 days. Agents may make claims without your signature.

12. Rights and obligations

You have both rights and responsibilities as a tenant. There are laws that protect both the rights of landlords and tenants.

Contact Fair Trading for more information. Fair Trading is in charge of the laws governing renting.

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